Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Social Media and College

Yesterday, we received a grim reminder: never post regrettable things on a social media account that has your name attached to it. These days, more and more colleges are looking up their students on the internet, and will see any embarrassing or offensive blog posts that you post online. This is most common in smaller colleges that don't have as many people applying.

This was not news to me, as I had heard this before. I have never revealed my full name online, and while I have stated my real name is Madeline/Maddie, let's be real: there are a ton of women and girls named Madeline in the world, and even more people are named Maddie due to it also being short for Madison. Most of the time online, I refer to myself as Mercury or Merc, and while I have shown my face, you can't exactly Google a face. However, I did realize that this was a big deal. There are people that get denied from colleges, fired from work, etc. because of social media, and while all that's on my Twitter is memes about Nintendo and, let's face it, no one is going to check my Wattpad, it's still something that keeps me in line and causes me to think twice before posting.

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